My Blog List

Friday, May 28, 2004

The youngest planet ever detected -- a baby less than one million years old -- may be orbiting a young star in the constellation Taurus, scientists using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope reported on Thursday, May 27, 2004. In this artist's conception, the possible newfound planet spins through a clearing in a nearby star's dusty, planet-forming disc. The possible infant planet was spotted circling a star known as CoKu Tau 4, some 420 light-years away, according to astronomer Dan Watson of the University of Rochester, New York.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Due to travel-induced weariness, this week's cartoon is a Classic (though still relevant) Slowpoke. We will return to our regularly-scheduled broadcast of incisive topical wit next week.

As referenced in the cartoon, I continue to be outraged every time I'm enjoying the scenery while flying, and a flight attendent snippily insists I shut my window for the benefit of those watching "Three Men and a Little Lady."

Saturday, May 08, 2004

We're Back Y'all Thanks to everyone who showed up at our little Blogger shindig at Club De Ville in Austin, TX. That was fun, here's some photos.
– Biz [3/25/2004] #

Mess with Texas Some of us Blogger folks are going to SXSW and to kick things up a notch we're serving up free drinks and t-shirts Monday evening from 6:30-8:00 on March 15th over at Club De Ville in Austin, TX. We provide beer and schwag to our users because we care.
– Biz [3/5/2004] #

Blog Me Tender Valentines Day is almost here so we'd be remiss if we didn't show you How To Network With Blogger. (It's the thing to do.) And stay tuned for part two of our v-day tutorial extravaganza. That's right, it's a double feature. Nice. Update: Okay, kickin' it up a notch: How To Date and Blog.
– Biz [2/10/2004] #

Feed Me We just launched support for Atom which means, among other things, that you have a new feed for your blog! What is Atom? So glad you asked.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Model-driven architecture (MDA) is the next big evolutionary step in programming, now that software has standards for application definition such as the Unified Modeling Language and application architectures such as .Net and J2EE. Over the past decades, programming had advanced incrementally as software was ported from platform to platform; MDA would make that laborious and unproductive task unnecessary, allowing programmers to focus on more important aspects, such as business logic. Several vendors are already touting tools that will allow companies to model applications and use code generating tools, including Borland and IBM's Rational unit. This type of capability will force better designed applications, since irresponsible development groups will not have an excuse for not finishing specifications and designs upfront. Smaller vendors such as Quovadx and Select Business Solutions in the United Kingdom already tout MDA solutions that promise to automate the majority of code production. In the future, MDA can expect stiff resistance from some sectors who will correctly point out the need for expert programmers to create high-throughput code; but if automatic code generation tools can fill in the majority of application code with tolerable performance, then MDA will certainly benefit companies. In addition, MDA promises to incorporate functions many programmers are unfamiliar with, such as standardized event logging for autonomic computing. The big picture view is that application vendors will be responsible for specifying functional components while customers will use MDA to put those components together with